Although I have lots of library sessions sometimes people prefer or need a one to one consultation.
I’m very pleased to offer these to people – please contact me if you would like to arrange one.
Why would I want a consultation?
Library sessions are generally busy, noisy and speedy. I try to give everyone at least ten minutes of my time, and when it is quieter they may get more, but it is not guarranteed. I try to treat everyone equally, so if you or your child has an additional need or challenge I am happy to see you in the library and this may not be a barrier to sling use, but sometimes where needs are complex ten minutes in a busy session doesn’t feel like enough.
There are also skills such as back carrying that I do not teach in a library session with lots of noise and distractions.
And some people just prefer a more relaxed, quieter time where they can focus, and take time out to feed baby without feeling like they are holding people up or just feeling stressed.
What should I expect?
If you contact me for a consultation we will discuss your needs/hopes in advance and agree a date and time. Where possible I hold consultations at The Baby Room as it is a lovely space, but if preferred I may be able to come to your home. I try to keep an open mind before sessions, but the more information you give me about your ideal outcome the more I can do to prepare.
A typical session is one hour. This gives time to have a cup of tea, feed baby if necessary and also try on several slings and leave feeling confident in what you chose. For some people this may not be long enough and if you prefer we can plan for a longer session.
My price includes a 2 week hire, this can be extended at additional cost if necessary.
I currently charge £25 for a one hour consultation, which includes a two week hire. This price reflects the fact that I am still completing training and will ask you for feedback; this price will increase in the future as I gain experience.
Training and feedback
Babywearing consultancy is not a regulated profession. This means that anyone can call themselves a babywearing consultant. There are several different schools which many Babywearing Consultants train with, and I chose to train with Slingababy. I cannot praise this training enough. It was inspiring and filled me with knowledge and also an awareness of my limitations, which are many. I have also learnt more than I can say from my library users and consultees – every family and child is different and has something to give.
At Slingababy you attend a 4 day intensive course. You are then able to attend continual professional development courses twice a year and can also re-attend the training course as often as you choose. I have attended the course twice, and also CPD on alignment, movement, physiotherapy, accessibility, marketing, infant mental health. To complete my qualification I need to receive feedback from my customers, and complete a project.